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Angela Anzai

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Angela Anzai
Primary Instrument: Piano
Buford, Johns Creek, Online
NSM Faculty: Since 2016

Angela began her piano studies at the age of seven in Atlanta, GA. Her passion for performance was evident in those early years and has led her to participate in numerous recitals and to become an experienced competitor of annual in-state competitions receiving top ratings in local and state-wide organizations including the Georgia Music Teachers Association, Georgia Music Educators Association, and the Georgia Bach Competition among others. In 2007, Angela decided to pursue a degree in Piano Performance at Kennesaw State University and was honored with the Emmanuel Ax Piano Scholarship and the Steinway Society Endowed Scholarship and in 2014 completed her Bachelor’s in music performance. She has performed with exclusive groups such as Lisa Kaplan of eighth blackbird, Simone Dinnerstein, Alisa Weilerstein, and The Ying Quartet